Student Solution


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Homework Assignment 2

Work Assignment 2

Q Analyze the unique aspects of the military culture, the authoritarian structure, isolation and alienation, class system, and the dynamics of the military family fortress." Focus on the ramifications of these structures on the nuclear family with evidence from the readings this week

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The military families are always at risks of being pressured under the extreme social expectations from them. There are many stigmas related to the jobs of the military and the military families are forced to bear the loads. People tend to glorify the concept of war and military due to various reasons. In popular culture, military has been represented as something that is honorable and glorious however, no one talks about the dark sides of the military that forces people to be emotionless and behave according to the existing norms. Halls (2016), noted “I believe the stories of how the families of the military are affected by their life in the military are the “real” stories, and are the stories that catch the nation’s attention”(p. 69)